Hello, I need your help on a VDI subject, recently we set up VDI with a test of 5 VMs, but the USB ports of the client boxes are not taken into account. When we connected a device, we were unable to display it on the VM.

I need your help please

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U can refer to this post
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pmateus Lv3Posted 2024-Feb-01 17:00
Last edited by pmateus 01 Feb 2024 17:04.


Please check the following video about Sangfor VDI USB whitelist and blacklist where you can find how to configure VDI USB policies to allow USB.

Hope this helps.
pmateus Lv3Posted 2024-Feb-01 17:07

Please check the followinf video about Sangfor VDI USB whitelist and blacklist where you can find how to confgure USB VDI policies.


Hope this helps,
CLELUQMAN Lv4Posted 2024-Feb-02 11:38
U can refer to this post
Newbie325028 Lv1Posted 2024-Feb-20 17:34
The tutorial worked, thank you very much..

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