Reward points

mdamores Lv3Posted 2024-Jan-03 09:46

Hi guys,

apology for the noob question. anyone here knows the purpose of the Points? i have several coins and points but don't know how to utilize or spend the latter.

thank you in advance.

Newbie517762 has solved this question and earned 10 coins.

Posting a reply earns you 2 coins. An accepted reply earns you 20 coins and another 10 coins for replying within 10 minutes. (Expired) What is Coin?

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Please refer to the "[Must Read] Community Guidelines" for information about point 4, which specifically addresses the usage of coins and redeeming them for rewards in the Store.
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AimanHakim Lv2Posted 2024-Jan-03 09:53
usually to buy stuff at the store. Go to profile>store. You can redeem points exchange for stuff but limited to your region only. You can try browse the store
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-Jan-03 10:08

Please refer to the "[Must Read] Community Guidelines" for information about point 4, which specifically addresses the usage of coins and redeeming them for rewards in the Store.

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