Upgrade Firmware NGAF

wibowo Lv1Posted 2023-Nov-30 16:28

Saya menggunakan NGAF versi 8.0.26 jika saya upgrade firmwarenya apakah masih support IPSec ke Mikrotik?

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Yes it will support IPSec on Mikrotik after firmware upgradation to v8.0.47. You have to do the IPSec Configurations from the option Network-> IPSec VPN -> Third-Party Connection. There you can configure the IPSec template for any third-party device.
Sangfor IPSec.jpg
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Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2023-Dec-01 08:02
Coba cari file (SANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.47_Version Release Notes) pak, dibagian search kanan atas

Saya baca sekilas tidak ada pembahasan jika tidak support menggunakan IPSEC di Mikrotik pak , jika butuh informasi urgent dan bantuan teknis, coba chat di kanan bawah pak untuk discuss permasalahannya.

Moneeb Lv2Posted 2023-Dec-02 17:24
Yes it will support IPSec on Mikrotik after firmware upgradation to v8.0.47. You have to do the IPSec Configurations from the option Network-> IPSec VPN -> Third-Party Connection. There you can configure the IPSec template for any third-party device.
Sangfor IPSec.jpg
wibowo Lv1Posted 2023-Dec-18 10:24
terima kasih informasinya

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