The Disk is self-checking

aaditiya Lv1Posted 2023-Oct-10 15:26

Dear Support,

Need your kind of help because my Sangfor WANO experiencing problem like on attached file.
Can anyone suggest the short and simple solution to work around this problem?
sangfor disk self-checking.jpg

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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Oct-11 09:32

If the warning message continues to appear persistently,
I recommend reaching out to Sangfor Support for further assistance.

Sangfor Support :  
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Oct-16 14:18
Your sangfor software might have bug, update it or open a TAC case
mdamores Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-17 09:13
The current firmware might be affected by some bug, you may try to update your firmware to the most recent version. If updating did not resolve the issue, you may try to reach our to TAC support and open a case
ArsalanAli Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-17 15:50
There is the problem in your hardware(disk issue), you should claim the warranty. or replace the HD to SSD
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 08:07
There are a few possible reasons why a disk in Sangfor WANO might be self-checking:

    Scheduled disk check: Sangfor WANO has a built-in disk checking feature that can be scheduled to run periodically. This feature can be used to detect and repair potential disk problems before they cause service outages.
    Disk error: If Sangfor WANO detects an error on a disk, it will automatically initiate a disk check to attempt to repair the error.
    Power outage: If Sangfor WANO experiences a power outage, it will automatically initiate a disk check on all disks when the system comes back online. This is done to ensure that the disks are not corrupted as a result of the power outage.
    Hardware failure: If Sangfor WANO detects a hardware failure on a disk, it will automatically initiate a disk check to attempt to repair the failure. If the disk check is unsuccessful, the disk will need to be replaced.

To determine the reason why a disk is self-checking in Sangfor WANO, you can check the system logs. The logs will contain information about the event that triggered the disk check, as well as the results of the disk check.
grayice499 Lv2Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:23
If the warning notice keeps coming up again,
I advise contacting Sangfor Support if you need more help.

Sangfor Customer Service:  
Fuji12 Lv3Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:25
Update your sangfor program if it contains bugs, or file a TAC case.
Rica Cortez Lv2Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:27
You can try updating your firmware to the most recent version if you think the current firmware has a flaw. If upgrading didn't fix the problem, you might try contacting TAC support and opening a case.
JoanaPatricia Lv2Posted 2023-Oct-18 11:28
You should file a warranty claim if your hardware (the disk) has a problem. or switch from HD to SSD

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