DHCP Server Deployment 50

Newbie613501 Lv1Posted 2023-Sep-07 11:13

Hi i want to ask if i have create DHCP Server on ETH2 with IP Range Netmask and Gateway

the ETH2 connected to a switch, on the switch also have an AP. If i want to create DHCP Server on that AP with IP Range . is it possible?

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Having two DHCP servers in the same subnet can cause conflicts.
Recommend you to create a separate VLAN for the AP.
May I know why u want to do 2 DHCP server in a same subnet?
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Lynkeus Lv1Posted 2023-Sep-07 15:04
Just to be clear, you want devices connected to eth2 switch take IP range from but devices connected to AP via its SSID to take IP range from

Yes that is possible. But as a general rule, you should not have more than one DHCP broadcast in the same VLAN (considering switch have no VLAN configured) so I would assign a VLAN ID to devices coming from the SSID and create a new DHCP broadcast on that VLAN.
CLELUQMAN Lv4Posted 2023-Sep-09 12:02
It is possible , but it is not recommended.
AriAri Lv2Posted 2023-Sep-10 14:36
You should have configured a separate DHCP pool for AP and Clients. Once is a security reason.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Sep-11 09:45
While there is no conflict, it would be better to separate the DHCP segments for the AP and network clients if possible.
Ann Max Lv2Posted 2023-Sep-11 13:45
In your scenario, you have already assigned an IP range of to the DHCP server on ETH2, with a netmask of and a gateway of To avoid any conflicts, you should configure the DHCP server on the AP with a different IP range that does not overlap with the existing DHCP server's range.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Sep-11 13:57
No, it's not recommended to create two DHCP servers on the same network segment with overlapping IP address ranges. Doing so can lead to conflicts and unpredictable behavior for devices trying to obtain IP addresses.

In your scenario, if you have a DHCP server on ETH2 with a range of, and you want to set up another DHCP server on an AP connected to the same network segment with a range of, it could result in IP address conflicts.

Instead, you should configure only one DHCP server on your network segment. You can either extend the IP address range of the existing DHCP server (e.g., or, if you have specific requirements for different IP ranges, you can create DHCP reservations or static IP assignments for certain devices on the network. This way, you can ensure that all IP addresses are managed by a single DHCP server, preventing conflicts and simplifying network management.
mdamores Posted 2023-Sep-11 14:06
While is it doable, it is not the best practice to deploy two or more DHCP broadcast in the same subnet. it is very hard for you in terms of troubleshooting and isolation. It is recommended to assign separate VLAN for the AP
Faixan Lv1Posted 2023-Sep-12 12:22
DHCP server deployment is the process of installing and configuring a DHCP server on a network. The DHCP server is responsible for assigning IP addresses to devices on the network.

The steps involved in DHCP server deployment vary depending on the operating system and the DHCP server software. However, the general steps are as follows:

Install the DHCP server software on a server.
Configure the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to devices on the network.
Create DHCP scopes, which define the range of IP addresses that the DHCP server can assign.
Configure DHCP options, which are additional settings that can be assigned to DHCP clients.
Authorize the DHCP server in Active Directory, if applicable.
Start the DHCP service.
Once the DHCP server is deployed, it will automatically assign IP addresses to devices on the network.

Here are some additional considerations for DHCP server deployment:

The DHCP server should be located in a central location on the network.
The DHCP server should have a high-speed connection to the network.
The DHCP server should be configured with a backup power supply.
The DHCP server should be monitored regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly.
Here are some of the benefits of DHCP server deployment:

Simplified IP address management: DHCP automates the process of assigning IP addresses to devices on the network, which can save time and effort.
Improved network security: DHCP can be used to assign IP addresses to devices on the network based on their security needs.
Reduced network traffic: DHCP can reduce network traffic by eliminating the need for devices to manually configure their IP addresses.
Improved network troubleshooting: DHCP can make it easier to troubleshoot network problems by providing information about the IP addresses that have been assigned to devices.
Zonger Lv5Posted 2023-Sep-15 08:07
No, it's not advisable to create a DHCP server on the AP (Access Point) with the same IP range ( as the DHCP server on ETH2 ( This can lead to IP address conflicts and network issues.

Instead, you should configure the AP to operate in a way that it extends the DHCP pool managed by the DHCP server on ETH2. For example, you can set the AP to relay DHCP requests to the DHCP server on ETH2, allowing it to assign IP addresses from the same range ( as the main DHCP server.

This way, you ensure that IP addresses are managed centrally by the primary DHCP server on ETH2, avoiding conflicts and simplifying network management.

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