Sangfor Associate Lab Exam

Karl Lv1Posted 2023-Jul-03 08:32

Hi, I want to know if its still possible to take the Sangfor's Associate Lab Exams such as IAG, WANO, NGAF, HCI, VDI, and ES? I tried enrolling in Sangfor Hands-on Labs but it says that the environment is reserved for examination.. is there a pre-requisite that I should take note of?

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Hi Karl, did you pass the written exam? If not, you need to pass the exam first and then book the lab exam.

For any questions about partner certification exam, you can read the following frequently asked questions. ... thread&tid=7758
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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jul-03 08:59

Please find attached the file entitled "Sangfor Certification Exam Guidelines" for your easy reference.

Sangfor Certification Exam Guidelines-compressed.pdf (605.6 KB, Downloads: 434)
Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2023-Jul-03 09:22
Hi Karl, did you pass the written exam? If not, you need to pass the exam first and then book the lab exam.

For any questions about partner certification exam, you can read the following frequently asked questions. ... thread&tid=7758
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Jul-03 09:35
You must first take and pass the written exam to enable the lab exam. That's the prerequisite.
Faisal P Posted 2023-Jul-03 09:54

Pre-requisite: Candidate must hold a valid Sangfor Certified Technical Associate : VDI Track Credentials.

Karl Lv1Posted 2023-Jul-03 10:01
Thanks for the information guys! I've read the PDF and I'm following its instructions. Thanks again!
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Jul-03 13:39
Thanks all for sharing information.

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