ES installation with other AV

Saimon Lv2Posted 2023-Jun-25 09:25

Is it okay to install Sangfor ES with existing Anti-Virus? What could be the effect of it? Or do I need to uninstall the existing AV?

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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-26 10:17

It's generally not recommended to install multiple antivirus solutions on the same system as they can conflict with each other and cause performance issues.
Sangfor ES is an antivirus solution, so if you already have an existing antivirus installed, it's best to uninstall it before installing Sangfor ES.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:05
You can install Endpoint Secure Protect on a system with another AV or EDR installed. During the installation, you will be asked if there is other anti-virus software installed. If you say “yes”, the installation will ask if you want to continue. If you choose to continue with the installation, the installation will continue in compatibility mode and the Protect agent will automatically disable real-time protection to not interfere with operation of the existing AV agent.
noime Lv3Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:07
Yes you can install but maybe maximum of 1 existing AV.
Kyle Padilla Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:19
It is not advisable to install ES with other AV but it is possible.
MISMIS Lv3Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:34
It depends on the AV installed on the endpoints. Some are not compatible with Sangfor ES.
Naomi Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:35
As per documentation: It doesn't have issues if you install Sangfor Endpoin Secure with other existing AV.
Adonis001 Lv3Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:43
Yes you can install ES even if the endpoint has already AV installed on it.
isabelita Lv3Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:44
I can tell it is possible but it depends on the resources of the PC because it can cause Lags or degration of performance.
BitCloud Lv3Posted 2023-Jun-26 11:55
Not recommended because it can cause conflict on the end user side

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