What is VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) and how does it work in network switching?

Max Teo Posted 2023-Jun-08 18:03

What is VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) and how does it work in network switching?

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Faisal P Posted 2023-Jun-08 19:31

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a logical grouping of devices in a computer network, regardless of their physical location. VLANs are created to enhance network security, manageability, and efficiency by segmenting a physical network into multiple virtual networks.

Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-09 09:31
A VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a logical subnetwork that groups a collection of devices from different physical LANs. Large business computer networks often set up VLANs to re-partition a network for improved traffic management. Several kinds of physical networks support virtual LANs, including Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-09 16:55
A VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a logical grouping of devices within a network, regardless of their physical location. It allows for the segmentation and isolation of network traffic based on logical requirements rather than physical connectivity.

Here's how VLAN works in network switching:

Logical grouping: VLANs enable the creation of virtual networks within a physical network infrastructure. Devices, such as computers, servers, and switches, are assigned to specific VLANs based on criteria like department, function, or security requirements. Devices within the same VLAN can communicate with each other as if they were connected to the same physical LAN, even if they are physically located in different areas.

VLAN tagging: Switches use VLAN tagging to identify and distinguish between different VLANs. When a device sends a network packet, the switch adds a VLAN tag to the packet, indicating the VLAN membership of that packet. This tagging allows switches to maintain separation between VLANs and ensure that packets are correctly forwarded within the appropriate VLAN.
Traffic isolation: By using VLANs, network administrators can isolate and control network traffic. Devices in one VLAN cannot directly communicate with devices in other VLANs, enhancing security and reducing network congestion. VLANs provide logical segmentation, allowing for finer-grained control over traffic flow and access policies.

Broadcast containment: VLANs limit the scope of network broadcasts. Broadcast traffic is contained within the VLAN, preventing it from unnecessarily affecting devices in other VLANs. This helps to optimize network performance and reduce unnecessary network traffic.

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