How does a switch handle data traffic in a network?

Max Teo Posted 2023-Jun-08 18:02

How does a switch handle data traffic in a network?

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Faisal P Posted 2023-Jun-08 23:04

A switch is a network device that operates at the Data Link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model. It handles data traffic within a network by using the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of devices (Frame Reception, MAC Address Learning, MAC Address Table, Frame Forwarding Decision, Unicast Forwarding, Broadcast and Multicast Forwarding, VLAN Handling, Loop Prevention, Error Handling).

By performing these operations, switches provide efficient and reliable data forwarding within a network. They use the MAC address table to make forwarding decisions, minimizing unnecessary traffic by directing frames only to the intended recipients. Switches also facilitate network segmentation, VLAN support, and loop prevention to optimize network performance and ensure proper communication between devices.

Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-09 09:34
A switch is a device in a computer network that connects other devices together.
It manages the flow of data across a network by transmitting a received network packet only to the one or more devices for which the packet is intended.
Switches filter out traffic destined for devices on the same LAN segment. Because of this capability, switches make more efficient use of their own processing resources, as well as network bandwidth.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Jun-09 17:09
A switch is a networking device that operates at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model and is primarily responsible for handling data traffic within a network. Here's how a switch handles data traffic:

MAC Address Learning: When a switch receives a frame (data packet) from a device, it examines the source MAC address of the frame. It then associates this MAC address with the port from which the frame was received, updating its MAC address table.

MAC Address Table: The switch maintains a MAC address table that maps MAC addresses to specific switch ports. This table helps the switch determine the destination port for forwarding frames.

Frame Forwarding: When the switch receives a frame with a destination MAC address, it looks up the MAC address in its MAC address table. If the destination MAC address is already known and associated with a specific port, the switch forwards the frame only to that port. This is known as unicast forwarding.
Unknown MAC Addresses: If the destination MAC address is unknown to the switch (not in its MAC address table), the switch uses a flooding technique. It sends the frame out to all other ports (except the port from which the frame was received) in the same VLAN, allowing the destination device to respond and update its MAC address.

VLAN Tagging: Switches support Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), which allow for logical network segmentation. In VLAN-enabled networks, switches add a VLAN tag to the frame, indicating the VLAN membership of the packet. This allows switches to separate and forward traffic based on VLANs.

Broadcast and Multicast: Switches forward broadcast frames (sent to all devices within a network) and multicast frames (sent to a specific group of devices) to all ports within the same VLAN.

Loop Avoidance: Switches implement loop avoidance mechanisms, such as the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), to prevent network loops that can cause broadcast storms and network congestion.

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