Reward Distribution for Round 4 of 2023 Localization Program

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2023-May-30 15:23


Sangfor Community greatly appreciates the following members' efforts and contribution to localization program.  In the round one, we have got 11 members who translated 73 documents which are written in Indonesia Bahasa, Italian and Thai. Let's give them a big applause.

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01. Display of Coins Reward



02. How to Find These Localized Documents

In this round, we have translated 73 documents for Sangfor VDI, Cyber Command and IAG products. You can find these documents under the category "Resource > Knowledge Base" on Sangfor Community, and then set the following filter condition.


Kindly Reminder:
You can switch the languages by clicking the right upper button.



03. Recruitment of Translators
We warmly welcome members from Italy and Thailand to join us. As a participant, you can get massive coins for your translation and get a chance to be awarded a "Top Translator" or "Premium Translator" honor badge and coins.


Previous Events

3) Reward Distribution for Round 3 of 2023 Localization Program

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