Installation failed End Point Secure Agent

Newbie543686 Posted 2023-May-13 08:48

Hi team, I have  a  problem when I try to install the  End Point Secure  Agent, we  used a previous  antivirus, we  unistalled the previous  antuvirus  and we  restarted  the  laptops  after  this action, we  tried  to install the  endpoint secure agent  installer, with other users  worked,but  I have  2 users  with this message  when they try to install the  application, the  previous  antivirus  was  uninstalled  succesfully.
Have  you seen the same error?

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This is likely due to leftover files and configurations remain from the previous Antivirus tool.

You may refer to the following KB guide on clearing the records of previous Antivirus. ... thread&tid=5535

If the problem persist, kindly attach the following log and send to
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Zonger Lv5Posted 2023-May-14 04:15
  • Check the system requirements: Make sure that the system you are trying to install the End Point Secure Agent on meets the minimum system requirements. This includes the operating system version, processor, memory, and disk space.
  • Disable antivirus software: Antivirus software can sometimes interfere with the installation process. Temporarily disable any antivirus software and try installing the End Point Secure Agent again.
  • Check network connectivity: Make sure that the computer has a stable and reliable network connection. The End Point Secure Agent requires an active internet connection to download and install necessary updates.
  • Run the installation as an administrator: Right-click on the installer and select "Run as administrator" to ensure that the installation has the necessary permissions to access system resources.
  • Clear the installation cache: If you have attempted to install the End Point Secure Agent before, there may be remnants of the installation that are causing issues. Clear the installation cache and try the installation again.
  • Contact support: If none of the above steps work, contact the support team for the End Point Secure Agent for assistance. They may have additional troubleshooting steps specific to the software.

rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-May-15 09:44
Did you check if you followed the minimum requirements for the installation?
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-May-15 10:17
Please check the installation agent if properly download and check the requirements if meet
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-May-15 14:20
Without the specific error message or additional details about the error you are encountering when installing the Endpoint Secure Agent, it is challenging to provide a precise solution. However, I can offer some general troubleshooting steps that may help:

Check Compatibility: Ensure that the Endpoint Secure Agent is compatible with the operating system version and architecture of the laptops on which you are trying to install it. Verify the system requirements of the Endpoint Secure Agent and compare them with the specifications of the laptops.

Clean Uninstallation: Confirm that the previous antivirus software was completely and properly uninstalled from the laptops. Some antivirus programs may leave remnants or residual files that can interfere with the installation of a new antivirus solution. Consider using dedicated removal tools provided by the previous antivirus vendor to ensure a thorough removal.

Disable Security Software: Temporarily disable any security software or firewall running on the laptops, including Windows Defender or other third-party security solutions. These programs can sometimes interfere with the installation process of new security software.

Run as Administrator: Right-click on the Endpoint Secure Agent installer and select "Run as administrator" to ensure you have the necessary privileges to install the software. This can help bypass any permission-related issues.

Clean Temporary Files: Clear the temporary files and folders on the laptops. You can use the Disk Cleanup utility or third-party cleaning tools to remove temporary files, which might be causing conflicts during the installation process.

Event Viewer Logs: Check the Event Viewer logs on the laptops for any relevant error or warning messages related to the installation. The Event Viewer can provide insights into specific issues or error codes that can help identify the root cause.

Contact Support: If the issue persists, it is recommended to contact the support team of the Endpoint Secure Agent. Provide them with detailed information about the error message, the specific laptops, and any other relevant details. They will be better equipped to assist you in troubleshooting the installation issue and provide a resolution.

Remember, it's crucial to have the exact error message or any related log entries to provide a more specific solution.
CLELUQMAN Lv4Posted 2023-May-15 14:45
what is the laptop specification ? have it pass the minimum requirement?
try to do windows update first. then try again
Faisal Piliang Posted 2023-May-16 12:33
Run as Administrator: Right-click on the Endpoint Secure Agent installer and select "Run as administrator" to ensure you have the necessary
Michaelcates22 Lv1Posted 2023-May-16 16:32
did you check the requirements?
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-May-17 12:01
The installation is not finished.
MISMIS Lv3Posted 2023-May-17 12:03
Contact Support: If the problem persists, it is suggested that you contact the Endpoint Secure Agent's support staff. Give them as much information as you can regarding the problem message, the individual laptops, and any other pertinent information. They will be more qualified to help you troubleshoot and resolve the installation issue.

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