[Ended]#Weekly Event# Round 65 - Video of the Week

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 10 May 2023 09:26

Welcome to our 65th video week where we watch Sangfor product video tutorials and learn how to configure together! We'd love your feedback!!

You can find the deployment, configuration video tutorials in the community Resources > Video Library section, and on Sangfor Technologies YouTube channel!

You can use the YouTube cc function Auto-translate to change the subtitle into your local language to better understand the content!

[Event Duration]
May 10 – May 16, 2023

[Event Rewards]

1) Participation Award: Get 100 coins if you leave an evaluation, advice, or demand under this post.

2) Excellent Review Award: Get 500 coins if your evaluation, advice, and demand are useful for shaping Sangfor products or improving video tutorials.

[Participation Rules]

1. Watch the video selected for this week.
2. Leave your comments under this post, including:
  • Evaluation:     tell us whether the video is helpful for you or not.
  • Suggestion:    point out what needs to be improved for this video.
  • Requirement:   submit what kinds of video content you want to watch. For example:

       I want to watch [product name] + [version no.] + topic name

3. All rewards will be sent before the next round updates and announced under this post.
4. Everyone can leave only one comment under this post. DO NOT repeat the comments. Otherwise we will punish your action by reducing 100 coins.

Award Announcement
Congratulations to the following 3 participants on getting "Excellent Review Award" and 500 coins.

Congratulations to the following 6 participants on getting "Participation Award" and 100 coins.


CLELUQMAN Lv3Posted 10 May 2023 10:13
-The video is informative and helpful , does a good job of explaining and show the viewers through the steps to configure local storage for Sangfor VDI.
-The video provides a good balance between theory and practice.

-The background music is slightly distracting to me, even it is not too loud.

I want to watch Sangfor NGAF 8.0.47 - Voip basic configuration
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 10 May 2023 13:59
I opened this video link thrice but it is not working. How can I give suggestion if I am unable to view the video. Your video is not working.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 10 May 2023 16:07
Video is not opening, what I can do? pls help me.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 10 May 2023 19:41
After watching this video finally I would say one of the best video about "What storage is? and "How to configure VDI" in a quick way. Yes I find the configuration part very helpful.

Suggestion: Honestly speaking I really like this video. No more improvement is needed in this video.

Requirement: I want to watch [HCI + latest version + Policy configuration]
Faisal Piliang Lv8Posted 11 May 2023 15:13
Evaluation: the video is helpful.
Suggestion: want to move data storage to other datastore.
Requirement: more practice benefit of other datastore.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 14 May 2023 05:15
This VDI Local Storage Configuration video is very much helpful to me. The guide is easy to follow and straightforward. Overall, Sangfor's local storage configuration is a powerful tool for organizations looking to optimize their data storage and management processes, while improving security and performance.
ND Lv3Posted 14 May 2023 18:37
It is not useful for me right now since I don't have This product. I suggest to have a human voice with a nice voice narrate the video, the robotic voice sounds monotonous.
I want to watch NGAF_v8.0.47 High Availability
rivsy Lv5Posted 15 May 2023 10:09
I want to watch Sangfor VDC Installation Guide + VDC Installation Guide
VDC installation guide link

1. The video is properly introduce and explain the VDC before proceeding to the installation (This is fantastic since not all viewer know about the VDC)
2. It is properly explain steps by steps the installation of VDC.
3. It also provide demo GUI. (this is to properly guide them on the installation)
4. It also have a demo testing of the installation done.

1. Must indicate the requirements before installation of the VDC, but the video overall is superb and nice.