Does WANO have visibility on the internet path where the traffic passes?

Cesar Lv2Posted 07 May 2023 22:47

Does WANO have visibility on the internet path where the traffic passes?

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WAN Optimization (WANO) solutions, such as those offered by vendors like Riverbed, Citrix, and Cisco, typically do not have direct visibility into the internet path where traffic passes.
WANO solutions are designed to optimize traffic between two or more locations connected by a wide area network (WAN), typically using techniques such as compression, deduplication, and caching to improve the performance of applications and reduce WAN bandwidth usage.
However, WANO solutions do not directly control or influence the routing of traffic over the internet or other external networks. For this reason, they do not typically provide detailed visibility into the internet path where traffic passes.
Some WANO solutions may provide limited visibility into internet traffic by leveraging features such as application performance monitoring (APM), which can provide insights into the performance and behavior of applications as they traverse the WAN and the internet.
While WANO solutions are powerful tools for optimizing WAN traffic and improving application performance, they may not provide detailed visibility into the internet path where traffic passes. To gain such visibility, organizations may need to use other networking or security tools, such as network monitoring or security information and event management (SIEM) solutions.
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Zonger Lv5Posted 08 May 2023 03:52
WAN Optimization (WANO) solutions, such as those offered by vendors like Riverbed, Citrix, and Cisco, typically do not have direct visibility into the internet path where traffic passes.
WANO solutions are designed to optimize traffic between two or more locations connected by a wide area network (WAN), typically using techniques such as compression, deduplication, and caching to improve the performance of applications and reduce WAN bandwidth usage.
However, WANO solutions do not directly control or influence the routing of traffic over the internet or other external networks. For this reason, they do not typically provide detailed visibility into the internet path where traffic passes.
Some WANO solutions may provide limited visibility into internet traffic by leveraging features such as application performance monitoring (APM), which can provide insights into the performance and behavior of applications as they traverse the WAN and the internet.
While WANO solutions are powerful tools for optimizing WAN traffic and improving application performance, they may not provide detailed visibility into the internet path where traffic passes. To gain such visibility, organizations may need to use other networking or security tools, such as network monitoring or security information and event management (SIEM) solutions.
rivsy Lv5Posted 08 May 2023 09:23
Yes it has visibility to the inbound and outbound traffic

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