[Ended]Leave your comments on Sangfor KB and win many coins [Round 4]

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 16:09

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Read the technical documents or cases we selected and leave your valuabale comments or suggestions under this post.

Mar. 15 – Mar. 28, 2023


Read the technical documents or cases we selected and leave your comments or suggestions under the activity post!

We summarize the following 3 types of comments to help you get the best quality reward. The more details, the bigger chance to win.

coment types.jpg
(click it to zoom in and out)

Reply Template: #Title# + your suggestion/ evaluation/ opinons

For example:
#SCMT Fails to import new license# I suggest this article can be added XXXXXXX features to the Virtual Devices.



1) Participation Reward: 100 coins for each comment on different articles.

2) Quality Reward: 500 coins will be awarded to 10 participants who leave high-quality and valuable comments or suggestions.

NOTE: Coin is redeemable for various prizes in Sangfor Store



1). The document title must be added in your comments, otherwise it is rewarded as ineligible.
2). Comments on the same document or case are not allowed and rewards will be canceled.
3). One user can gain both the participation reward and quality reward.
4). Winners will be announced within 3 working days. Coins will be distributed directly to the winners’ accounts which can be checked in the community system message.
5). Copying others' comments will not be rewarded.
6). This activity is only available for Sangfor external users.



Kindly Reminder:
Some of them are multilingual guides, you can click the right upper corner as below to choose your local language to help you better read them.

see multilingual.png


Reply Template: #Title# + your suggestion/ evaluation/ opinons

For example:
#SCMT Fails to import new license# I suggest this article .......

good sample.png

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[Award Announcement]
Congratulations the following participants have got different coins for their active comments.

SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-15 16:47
SANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.8_Web Application Protection

The article is a good piece of knowledge and provide clear explanation.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:16
I would suggest that the topic [SANGFOR_aCloud_6.0.0_EN_System Disk Replacement Guides] is very well describe but also mentioned the hardware/Storage/Processor/Cores requirement for deployment or replacement of any disk in these guides. Overall good guide.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:20
I would suggest that the topic [SANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.8_Web Application Protection_Best Practice] describes all the necessary policies implementation for NGAF WAF firewall but also let us know how many websites and other multiple attacks can be blocked in a single licenses. Also describes the amount of licenses and number of users per licenses on whom policies will be implemented.  
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:23
I think the topic [SANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Use Honeypot to Anti Ransomware] describe Honeypot scenario in real which I really appreciate. I never seen such guide in any other vendor products like cisco or Huawei or Palo Alto or Fortinet who describe this scenario with configuration. Bravo!!
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:26
I think the topic [SCMT Fails to import new license] is a good example of troubleshooting case. Sometimes, the problem is very small and we get confused that either License is not working properly or the download link might be corrupt but this is not the case. In this case only User ID and password need to be put correctly.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:28
I think the topic [SCP licensing to HCI failed] describes the very basic concept if the configuration is not done correctly then we may faced a lot of problem in deployment or installing or importing of any device or files.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:30
I think [VM Slow Boot] the root cause needs to be clarify in detail because I didn't understand this root cause [Cause: It is related to the KMS activation tool or the Morto family virus.] what is morto family and why it is related to KMS.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Mar-15 17:50
I would suggest that the topic like [Video redirection not working] this first need to describe in just two lines that what is video redirection and then put down troubleshooting steps.
Rashid Raouf Lv1Posted 2023-Mar-15 21:20
I'm very excited to have such a great community