Usage of HCI server

Newbie755900 Lv1Posted 14 Mar 2023 08:25

i want to ask about the procedure of shutdown the HCI server...thx for the attention

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You can power off the hardware server via IPMI console. Instead, you can power off the HCI in the web console via Nodes > {node} > More > Power off
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Faisal Piliang Lv8Posted 14 Mar 2023 09:22
Shut Down -To shut down Sangfor HCI server/machine(s), select one ormore virtual machines and then click on Shut Down.
Administrator can perform the following operation: Shut Down
There are the following tabs: Summary, Snapshot, Backup/CDP,Permissions, Tasks and Alarms, as shown below.

On the Summary tab, you may perform such operations as Power On, ShutDown, etc., and view basic information and hardware configurations of virtual machine.
To shut down Sangfor HCI server/machine, you may click (Ctrl+Alt+Del)then Shut Down.
Newbie755900 Lv1Posted 14 Mar 2023 09:48
i know how to shutdown the VMs,
but after that,how can i shutdown the system and hardwares of HCI?

rivsy Lv5Posted 16 Mar 2023 15:06
If your using a third party server you can shutdown it like the normally server shutdown
Jhazz Lv3Posted 16 Mar 2023 15:52
On the Summary Tab you can shutdown the VM
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 20 Mar 2023 11:51
Go to VM Tab and select the desired VM then go to shutdown
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 20 Mar 2023 12:01
do it normally as we do in other product
SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 20 Mar 2023 12:40
The specific procedure for shutting down an HCI (Host Controller Interface) server can vary depending on the operating system and the software being used. However, here are some general steps you can follow:

1-Close all active sessions and disconnect any connected devices to the HCI server.

2-Log in to the HCI server using an account with administrative privileges.

3-Stop any running processes or services associated with the HCI server. This may involve using commands such as "systemctl stop hci.service" on Linux or "net stop hci" on Windows.

4-Save any unsaved data or changes to the server.

5-Once all processes and services have been stopped, use the appropriate command to shut down the server. For example, on Linux, you can use the "shutdown" command with the "-h" option to shut down the server immediately. On Windows, you can use the "shutdown" command with the "-s" option to shut down the server.

6-Wait for the server to fully shut down before turning off any hardware.

It is important to note that shutting down an HCI server improperly can result in data loss or corruption, so it is important to follow the appropriate procedures for your specific setup.
MISMIS Lv3Posted 20 Mar 2023 13:35
1-Close all active sessions and disconnect any connected devices to the HCI server.

2-Log in to the HCI server using an account with administrative privileges.

3-Stop any running processes or services associated with the HCI server. This may involve using commands such as "systemctl stop hci.service" on Linux or "net stop hci" on Windows.
faysalji Lv3Posted 20 Mar 2023 14:02
Last edited by faysalji 20 Mar 2023 15:18.

steps you can follow:

1-Close all active sessions and disconnect any connected devices to the HCI server.
2-Log in to the HCI server using an account with administrative privileges.
3-Stop any running processes or services associated with the HCI server. This may involve using commands such as "systemctl stop hci.service" on Linux or "net stop hci" on Windows.
4-Save any unsaved data or changes to the server.
5-Once all processes and services have been stopped, use the appropriate command to shut down the server. For example, on Linux, you can use the "shutdown" command with the "-h" option to shut down the server immediately. On Windows, you can use the "shutdown" command with the "-s" option to shut down the server.
6-Wait for the server to fully shut down before turning off any hardware.

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