Sangfor entended detection and response

Dwen Lv1Posted 07 Mar 2023 00:01

is there an xdr solution in the sangfor?

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Yes, it's called XDDR - Extended Detection Defense and Response

Framework that Goes Beyond Traditional XDR by Implementing a Real Integrated Security Solution.
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Rhebie Lv3Posted 07 Mar 2023 00:02
Yes, it's called XDDR - Extended Detection Defense and Response

Framework that Goes Beyond Traditional XDR by Implementing a Real Integrated Security Solution.
rivsy Lv5Posted 07 Mar 2023 09:16
Yes... Sangfor have XDDR - Extended Detection Defense and Response that goes beyond traditional XDR by implementing a real integrated security solution, providing a holistic response to malware infections and APT breaches across the entire organization’s network, with ease of management, operation, and maintenance.

Solution Advantages:
1. Multi-Dimensional Response
2. XDDR is 360 Degree Protection
3. XDDR Security Synergy
Jhazz Lv3Posted 07 Mar 2023 09:26
Yes it have and it can be integrated in the Sangfor NGAF + SDWAN + Cyber Command + Endpoint Secure to fully protect the whole organization/company from all unknown attacks
HeavT Lv2Posted 07 Mar 2023 09:30
Yes Sangfor have Extended Detection Defense and Response
WestCon Lv2Posted 07 Mar 2023 09:43
Yes it have XDDR solution
WillyTheGreat Lv2Posted 07 Mar 2023 11:12
Yes... it is a additional solution that can be add up
Faisal P Lv8Posted 07 Mar 2023 17:58
Yes, there is

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