My VM cannot be started

justjoshua22 Lv1Posted 2018-Aug-24 14:05

User0004_Joshua: Start failed, No node is found to start User0004_Joshua. As there is restriction on number of virtual machines for node ( that supports graphics acceleration, the virtual machine (User0004_Joshua) cannot be started. 。

above is the error messages
can i know what to do in order to make my VM on again?

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Kindly drop an email to so that our engineer and help to investigate with the issue.
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CTI Jimy Lv2Posted 2018-Aug-24 14:30

Can you kindly check the following settings? It is under Nodes.



There are two options. First option is to remove the restriction of running Virtual Machine while the second option restrict that the device can only run Virtual Machines with 3D graphics card only.
Kindly make sure that you selected the first option.

If this solution is not able to solve your issue, kindly drop an email to so that our engineer and help to investigate with the issue.
justjoshua22 Lv1Posted 2018-Aug-24 15:43
Hello seems like i cannot edit my limit VM according to your picture..
is that because differents version?

CTI Jimy Lv2Posted 2018-Aug-24 16:16

Kindly drop an email to so that our engineer and help to investigate with the issue.

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