Received odd files from Endpoint Secure

dw Lv1Posted 2023-Jan-18 10:05

Last edited by dw 18 Jan 2023 10:08.

Hi, can someone explain what file I receive daily from Endpoint Secure? Is it coming because there is ransomware activity on my endpoints? Is it normal?
The files contain ransomware files.db,.ini, and.docx; do not modify them. 

the file contains this
index: 26
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modifyindex: 26
sangfor edr ransom killer file, do not modify

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That is normal. Its a dummy file, so whenever if you have ransomware it will be trapped and alerted you. Its not an alert, only thing is that you opened it.
Is this answer helpful?
rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-18 10:15
Sangfor Endpoint Secure detect anomaly that is why it will deliver ransomware trap files to terminals that is infected
CLELUQMAN Lv4Posted 2023-Jan-18 10:48
EDR supports ransomware protection deliver ransomware trap files to terminals
Draiden Lv2Posted 2023-Jan-18 12:43
That is normal. Its a dummy file, so whenever if you have ransomware it will be trapped and alerted you. Its not an alert, only thing is that you opened it.
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-19 00:10
It shows that the Endpoint Secure is protecting and responding to the threat detected
Faisal P Posted 2023-Jan-20 09:41
Maintain backups; Review port settings; Harden your endpoints; Keep systems up-to-date

Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-20 09:52
It's normal. It only shows how Sangfor Endpoint Secure works in providing Superior Protection against Ransomware.

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