Sangfor aDesk Solution Sizing Guide

Vincent Lv2Posted 2023-Jan-17 14:18

1. Environment check before sizing
Sangfor aDesk Project Requirement and Environment Check List 20230117.xlsx (49.03 KB, Downloads: 681)

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Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-17 15:15
Thank you for sharing this sizing guide.
rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-17 15:36
thank you for this manual
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-17 15:49
Thank you for your time and effort to do this
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-17 18:23
Thanks for sharing.
Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-18 08:49
Thank you for the sharing