Rewards Comparison between Freelance Writers and Signed Writers | 2023 Content Creator Program

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-13 10:53

comparison between signed and freelance writers.psd.jpg

Dear members,

Recently some members asked me about the differences between freelance writers and signed writers. Now I would like to make some more introduction to clear your doubt.

  • The rewards for a signed writer consists of a basic reward and an extra reward while a freelance writer only has a basic reward.
  • The basic reward is caculated based on the number of cases reviewed by Sangfor. 4500 coins are rewarded for each case submitted by a signed writer and 4000 coins for each case submitted by a freelance writer.
  • The extra reward for a signed writer is calculated based on the ratio of cases planned to actual completion.

NOTE:  A signed writer needs to complete a fixed number of cases per month that he promised in the registration form.


Here is a chart in summary to clarify the rewards differences.
For example:
A signed writer and a freelance writer submit 4 technical case to Sangfor admin for approval.

freelance writer and signed writer的奖励对比.jpg

Join us in this activity to win massive coins and have a chance to be presented in the leaderboard of 2023 Hall of Fame.


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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-13 14:09
Thanks for your information.
rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-14 13:10
thank you for sharing this
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-15 00:10
thank you for this brief kind of information
Newbie858954 Posted 2023-Jan-16 11:38

thank you for sharing this
Newbie318663 Lv2Posted 2023-Feb-08 18:02
thank you for your sharing
Faisal P Posted 2023-Feb-23 18:26
Thank you very much for the information ...
SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 2023-Mar-15 23:00
Thanks for sharing this information
Rashid Raouf Lv1Posted 2023-Apr-03 17:07
Thanks for such a brief explanation
Zonger Lv5Posted 2023-Apr-08 04:48
Thanks for sharing this