How is Sangfor SDWAN Solutions 50

Cesar Lv2Posted 2022-Dec-05 09:21

Hello Everyone,

I would like to seek help regarding the SDWan Solutions. We have 4 branches and we have a specific apps. What is the Solution of Sangfor to this that our requirements is to securely protect the Apps data and prioritize it in our network.

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The Solution is to have a NGAF with WANO (data reduction, application acceleration, link optimization). This is the perfect solutions if you want to secure and prioritize an Application.
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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-05 09:55

Pls find the attached file - Sangfor SD-WAN Best Practice for your easy Ref.

SD-WAN_BR_P_Sangfor SD-WAN Best Practice for Sales_20210312_compressed.pdf (1.68 MB, Downloads: 928)
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:26
The Solution is to have a NGAF with WANO (data reduction, application acceleration, link optimization). This is the perfect solutions if you want to secure and prioritize an Application.
Happpy Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:27
NGAF + SDWAN Feature is good for you.
Noah19 Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:34
If you have NGAF, You can purchased a license for SDWAN I think. Correct me if I am wrong.
NeTSec Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:40
Try the WANO Solutions.
Faisal P Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:48
Sangfor WANO is a powerful Wide Area Network (WAN) Optimization solution. WANO provides one-step connectivity and optimization and LAN speeds on your WAN.
Robin Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:48
WANO is the solutions you have been looking for.
Franky Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 10:56
WANO is the right solutions.
ZoroZoro Lv3Posted 2022-Dec-05 11:03
WANO or regular SDWAN can solve your problem

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