
what are the devices you recommend for backup HCI nodes (nas, tapes, ...)?
In particular, what do you use to maintain an offline backup compatible with Sangfor HCI?

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

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Last edited by rivsy 15 Nov 2022 08:52.

For long term back-up like 10 to 20 years I recommend TAPE drives and for speed and performance I recommend NAS drive with SSD drives or hybrid storage with HDD and SSD. But it depends on your requirements if all-flash, hybrid, archive nodes and cloud.
Also you have to consider the IOPS for storage and VM performance
Then for the maintenance of the external offline backup, the recommended backup for critical application, data and others must be every hour. But if you have a offline backup, backup must be done per day (if is not critical data to be backup)
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rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-Nov-15 08:31
Last edited by rivsy 15 Nov 2022 08:52.

For long term back-up like 10 to 20 years I recommend TAPE drives and for speed and performance I recommend NAS drive with SSD drives or hybrid storage with HDD and SSD. But it depends on your requirements if all-flash, hybrid, archive nodes and cloud.
Also you have to consider the IOPS for storage and VM performance
Then for the maintenance of the external offline backup, the recommended backup for critical application, data and others must be every hour. But if you have a offline backup, backup must be done per day (if is not critical data to be backup)
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Nov-15 09:48

For Backup Soloution:

Simplify your Sangfor HCI protection with Vinchin Backup & Recovery
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:21
TAPE drives are recommended if you want a long term backup
babeshuka Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:29
As Sangfor HCI integrates virtual computing, storage and network into one unified resource pool for enterprise users to realize simpler business data center deployment, Vinchin Backup & Recovery continues to extend such simplicity as a reliable third-party data security assistant to further strengthen your Sangfor HCI environment, with high compatibility and the world’s most innovative VM backup and recovery features.
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:45
I agree with Vinchin Backup & Recovery. that was a great backup solution
Naomi Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:50
Vichin the Backup is the recommended
damulagski Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:53
IOPS for storage and VM performance you can check.
soneosansan Lv3Posted 2022-Nov-21 10:58
Seagate or Western Digital can be considered also.
nobitachou Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-21 11:01
Vinchin Backup & Recovery, Tape, Seagate.

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