VPN for Bridge

khanittha Lv1Posted 2022-Oct-04 17:08

Can NGAF Bridge mode VPN ?

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No it is unavailable on bridge mode
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rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-Oct-04 21:24
No it is unavailable on bridge mode
arjay Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-05 12:02
No it is not possible
Newbie308427 Posted 2022-Oct-05 13:09
NGAF has no Bridge mode VPN, yet maybe
ArsalanAli Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-05 13:54
you can use Mix Mode (some ports Bridge and some Router Mode)
Check the picture
Ali Jawwad 12 Lv1Posted 2022-Oct-05 17:24
No you cannot configure vpn on Bridge mode because you dont have any static ip's and routes and vpn requires both static route and IP
Raja Azkar Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-05 20:12
No dear it is not possible
JC Lv1Posted 2022-Oct-06 11:25
NGAF has no Bridge mode VPN, yet maybe
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Oct-10 12:40
It is not possibe because the one important requirements is the Static Public IP of an interface.
Naomi Posted 2022-Oct-10 14:37
No VPN features on Bridge mode

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