Multi Langauge Option for all Sangfor Products

Draiden Lv2Posted 2022-Sep-15 16:20

I think it would be great if all sangfor products will have Multi Language Options inside admin profiles.

Like every profile within any products of sangfor. This way all personnels handling SOC, Network Sec, Threat Hunters can have better view.

Because when you translate sometimes functions don't run and sometimes translation is different.

Product is great TBH!

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Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Sep-15 17:01
Agree, It is conveniently to local peoples.
Karla Hong Posted 2022-Sep-16 15:30
We will increase our efforts to build a localized documentation library, including technical configuration guidance, deployment guidance, and troubleshooting. Are you interested in joining our "localization documentation building"?
Karla Hong Posted 2022-Sep-16 15:34
Coins have been sent to you for you kind advice. Please check it.

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