Iam : block page is not appear

Arief_ID Posted 2018-Jul-24 14:13


Iam deployment single arm.
When we block http website, the block page isn't appear. Is it normal or not?

Kindly need your advice.

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If that is the case, PC browser will set and point the Proxy server to Sangfor IAM. By doing so, PC will indirectly "whitelist" or "exclude" IAM, and thus the blocking page is not able to display.
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CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-Jul-24 15:32

Is IAM enabled with proxy service?
Arief_ID Posted 2018-Jul-25 16:10
Yes, proxy service is enabled.
CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-Jul-25 16:56

If that is the case, PC browser will set and point the Proxy server to Sangfor IAM. By doing so, PC will indirectly "whitelist" or "exclude" IAM, and thus the blocking page is not able to display.
aafreenbutt Lv1Posted 2018-Aug-02 14:46
Hi @Arief_ID
Are you trying to block websites offering proxies ?
Faisal P Posted 2022-Nov-05 14:47
PC will indirectly

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