Flow Control Users

yvest Lv1Posted 2018-Jul-17 22:25

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to show or check who are the user/s that are experiencing the current bandwidth management policy?
Kindly please image for your reference.


Flow Control User

Flow Control User

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Hi Sir, we are on going to solve this problem ,please check my personal message
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CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-Jul-18 16:15

Unfortunately there is no way to display which user has been applied with the Bandwidth Policy
yvest Lv1Posted 2018-Jul-18 20:26
I see, how about in the near future? will there be any developement?
Darrel_IAM Lv2Posted 2018-Jul-20 18:31
Hi Sir, we are on going to solve this problem ,please check my personal message

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