Issue #1 of Interview with Premium Content Creator @Chris Lum

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-12 11:33

In this interview, we present you to Chris Lum, who is a cloud network engineer responsible for implementing and managing network architecture in cloud aspects. You can find him in the Community @CTI Chris. We are glad to be able to show you some useful experience in writing troubleshooting cases and we invite you to read more below:

How long have you been in the Community? Which section of the Community is your favorite?

I have been in the Community since Nov 2020.
The knowledge base and weekly events are my favorite parts of the Community. Because in the knowledge base I get to learn many different troubleshooting cases and the most exciting is the weekly events as I can earn a lot of coins for rewards exchange and I notice that recently those rewards have become more attractive.

I see that most of the articles you shared are troubleshooting cases. Do you usually have the habit of analyzing problems and summarizing them?

  Yes, I’m passionate about analyzing problems and summarizing them to share among people. Because I feel it is meaningful if it helps people.


What do you think is the biggest difficulty when writing a troubleshooting case?

I think the biggest difficulty when writing a troubleshooting case are:
1) To gather relevant images for the specific troubleshooting case. Because images help the reader to understand things easier and give them a clearer picture when they are attempting with the troubleshooting guide, therefore, I have to try my best to gather these relevant images that could help and indicate them in my troubleshooting case writing.
2) Writing the troubleshooting steps and defining common terms/keywords that the public or reader can easily understand. Both of them are significant because one incorrect step and misunderstanding of the terms or keywords might lead to the wrong direction or inappropriate output.


How do you overcome it?

To overcome them, I often double and triple check my works and even share works with my colleagues or friends to go through before finalizing them, and usually, I’d also research a little bit on the internet to figure out the appropriate common terms or keywords to adopt.


Do you have any good experience in troubleshooting case writing that you can share with other newbies?

For entry-level, I'd encourage them:

  • Diligent in online research, because it helps to understand your topic in different aspects and could figure out many more different examples, that could help in the troubleshooting case writing.
  • Always attach images and references, because they are the best aids for your readers.
  • Most importantly is being confident and never afraid to start one, even if the topic looks less attractive.


Do you have any advice/suggestions on the “Content Creator Program”?

Maybe the Content Creator Program can hold a first-half-year or year-end count? For example, conclude the top 3 most contents/articles created in the first half year and reward coins or medals accordingly.

If you have posted a featured article or more than three original articles such as configuration guides or troubleshooting cases about Sangfor devices, welcome to apply for this interview.

Join this interview will reward you:
  • 2000 coins
  • PersonalBranding (Premium Character Interview)
  • Get achance to be displayed in “Hall of Fame”
  • Spreading your articles

If you are interested in having this important role in our Community, you can search “Content Creator Program” in Community to join us.


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Maxon Lv1Posted 2022-Aug-12 14:57
The article is so well written, it has benefited me a lot. You are my role model!
Maxon Lv1Posted 2022-Aug-12 14:58
Thanks for this interview, and we know such a wonderful person
Maxon Lv1Posted 2022-Aug-12 15:01
Besides, I'm curious about next year's“Hall of Famer" program.
Karla Hong Posted 2022-Aug-12 16:36
CTI Chris really did a great job! Well applause!
Raja Azkar Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-19 01:31
Thanks of Sharing
ohwrd21 Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-20 01:34
This content is a thumbs up. Good job.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-23 12:06

Thank you for sharing !
IPS_len Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-03 16:13
Nice. Thanks
WillyTheGreat Lv2Posted 2022-Nov-25 14:39
very informative session to read