Please add Xiaomi Mi Mijia Mi Humidifier

Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Aug-10 09:21

Hi sangfor team, could you please add xiaomi mi humidifier in the sangfor store. Aside from its cheap cost, it also has health benefits and anti bacterial capabilities.

Also check other product details and benefits:
-UV-C instant sterilization
-Portable water design, conveniently add water without separating the water tank
-Clear segmented state loop, transparent visualization tank
-Ceramic core high-frequency atomization system, soft ambient light, circular inlet at the bottom, converging spray
-Constant humidity mode can automatically adjust the amount of fog
MiHome APP control, remote control humidification

Hoping for your consideration, sangfor team!
Screenshot 2022-08-10 091933.png

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jpbaltazar Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-10 09:31
This is actually a good esp on the wfh setup. Keep it up!!
Detz Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-10 10:55
Rainy season need a good working environment, Humidifier/purifier will do the cleansing.
Ionizing the air also help to reduce dust and harmful particles, would like to have this one on my cubicle
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-10 12:00
good for the home/office as flu season is on our sorroundings.
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Aug-10 12:49
Hi Sangfor team! Here's the link for the Xiaomi Humidifier. ... .i40.179a2802F6gPaE
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-16 14:33
Congrats for being selected and implemented
rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-16 14:51
You may redeem now your requested item at the store Pat...
WillyTheGreat Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-19 09:15
Time to redeem now your recommendation sir
Dohan4U Lv2Posted 2022-Aug-21 09:59
Congratz in the rexommendation, you can redeem now your wish

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