Wearing Sangfor Jacket feels like I am Elite

naomivillamor Posted 2022-Jun-29 10:09

Greetings to all Community Admins, may I request to add a Sangfor Jacket to the  store. Wearing a sponsored jacket feels like were completely part of the Sangfor community . Wishing that you might considered. Thank you very much.

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Detz Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-29 10:22
THIS !. I would like to wear the sangfor logo wherever I go, A jacket is good way to advertise a company and to show off its symbol from travel, rides and work . By wearing one like the the shirt, is also feels like showing of the company flagship product.

For me I will wear this jacket as I value our community.
Rhebie Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 12:14
Yeah, this is a great idea. It's good for Marketing.
Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 14:19
Let's wait and see...Maybe it will add to the store
Karla Hong Posted 2022-Aug-06 10:41
Hello naomivillamor! Thanks for your sharing. We are looking forward to seeing more of your sharing. Coins have been sent to you for your sharing. Please check it in the community system message.
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Aug-17 13:05
good idea for marketing
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Aug-19 11:48
For my Crazy Ideas!
I suggest to free one Sangfor jacket for all of partner members.

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