May I suggest to add 2000Gcash and 3000Gcash in store

Vhee012 Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:03

May I suggest to add 2000Gcash and 3000Gcash in store

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Newbie098542 Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:05
Yes pls add in store
Shery025 Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:07
Yes pls approve. Pls add in store
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:13
I agree on this!
regidorreyes Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:21
Add it please
ohwrd21 Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:53
please approve this.
Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-29 09:24
Hello Vhee012,  thanks for your suggestion. You can add the quantity to "2" or "3" if you want 2000Gcash and 3000Gcash vouchers.
Vhee012 Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 10:08
Hi Jojo we can only redeem max of 2 in 1000Gcash that's why we want to add 2000Gcash and 3000Gcash in store. Pls see attached file image for you reference.
Rhebie Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 12:12
We can only redeem 2 1000 gcash voucher, we wish to remove the limit.
Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-29 14:55
Its a great idea

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