Hyper X Quadcast in reward store

Rhebie Lv3Posted 2022-Jun-28 09:12

Hi, I would like to suggest Hyper X Quadcast in the store. Hoping you will consider, thank you.

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Detz Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-29 08:11
Having A microphone in a line up would be game changer also. I would like to suggest this one also since there are many Vloggers/Youtubers popping up they can also cater sangfor as their sponsor or they can add it on their ads. It will not just help all the content creators but also this SANGFOR community
Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-29 09:43
Hello Rhebie, thanks for your suggestion. We will consider putting the gift on the shelf soon.

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