Policy block does not work for the user

Newbie871041 Lv1Posted 19 May 2022 07:37

Last edited by Newbie871041 19 May 2022 07:38.

I made a policy to block access to youtube, tiktok, netflix, social media and porn but it doesn't work all users can access the content, is there an error? use sangfor IAM 12.0.42



Bandwidth Channel

Bandwidth Channel

Policy Allow

Policy Allow

Bandwidth Channel

Bandwidth Channel

Policy Allow

Policy Allow

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You have the "Allow All" policy on the top. Take note that the firewall reads the policy from top to bottom that is why the topmost policy will take effect first. Blocking policies should be put on topmost if you want to configure blockings.
Is this answer helpful?
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 19 May 2022 12:27
Create a deny policy and Bloch such content and move it on top
jetjetd Lv5Posted 19 May 2022 19:21
You have the "Allow All" policy on the top. Take note that the firewall reads the policy from top to bottom that is why the topmost policy will take effect first. Blocking policies should be put on topmost if you want to configure blockings.

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