Where to download latest Sangfor VMP

jayric Lv1Posted 2022-Mar-23 09:14

It was quite some time and I can't seem to find where to download it. I have VMP5.3.3_EN(20180827), is this still the latest stable version?

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You can find the upgrade package/installation iso files from the Community.
[Self Services] - [Download] - [VDI]
VDI 5.50 is the latest stable release.
Is this answer helpful?
jayric Lv1Posted 2022-Mar-23 09:17
I found the answer soon as I posted this question.
I thought it's in the website.
Sangfor_Siva Posted 2022-Mar-23 09:51
You can find the upgrade package/installation iso files from the Community.
[Self Services] - [Download] - [VDI]
VDI 5.50 is the latest stable release.
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Apr-02 16:45

You can find the upgrade package/installation iso files from the Community.

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