Different between IAM & IAG

addimasqi Lv2Posted 2021-Nov-18 16:51

we have IAM appliance M5400 with firmware version 11.9  and we have upgraded it to IAG 13.0.5 firmware.  Then we check at community Sangfor self-service to check new firmware for our IAM device.  Then we found firmware IAM 12.0.46 release date  21 October 2021.  Can anyone tell us about the difference between IAM and IAG Firmware? what is the big difference?

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The official name for IAM has been changed to IAG. Which is why it is IAG on the newer version.
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Sangfor_Siva Posted 2021-Nov-18 19:27
The official name for IAM has been changed to IAG. Which is why it is IAG on the newer version.
Najamulhassnain Lv2Posted 2021-Nov-25 13:21
Both are same IAM has been changed to IAG
megatmuazam Lv1Posted 2021-Dec-07 10:03
thanks for clarification...very helpful

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