Safe Search in IAM and/or NGAF

ITD_Mitch Lv3Posted 2018-Jun-14 18:43

Most of us encounter a client that require to block porn images when searching in google or other search engine. Specially in education industry. As for now, our IAM can block it using keyword but it blocks all if you just type the keyword. But what if we include the word "sex" in keyword group object? It also blocks all results, but in some school they dont want to block some results because they also using it for some research or learning studies. In short, they dont want to block all keywords result but just filter its result. They wanted the same function of "safesearch" of google chrome in our appliance so that it can filter all search results for the adult category. Can we do that in our IAM and NGAF?

Thanks and regards!

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CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-Jun-18 10:35

Do you mean that while using the keyword filter to block certain keyword, at the same time you want to allow certain website that contain the keyword ?
Azlan Lv1Posted 2019-Apr-03 16:54
Hi, this is when you search example "sex" or "xxx" then the website will appear and where you go to "Images" tab, it will appear porn image, how the NGAF/IAM can block?
Darrel_IAM Lv2Posted 2019-Apr-04 17:24
Hi Sir:
     This is Darrel,  This feature will release in next few week, the version above 12.0.23(include) should be supported
Faisal Posted 2021-Aug-01 10:43
Thank you very much for the information ...