[Ended] Round 4-Localization Documents Event | Show Us Your Translation Skill and Win Shopping Vouchers!

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2021-Oct-15 18:28

round 4 活动banner 拷贝.jpg

Dear members,

In order to provide better technical service for our partners and customers, we have launched three localization documents events in Indonesia. During these events, we have got some active participants and witnessed their excellent translation talent. Thanks to all these participants' contributions, we have over 100 technical documents written in Bahasa published in the community.

Now I am very pleased to inform you that we are going to have the round 4-Localization Documents Event.
Happily, rewards for translation have been upgraded. If you are good at translating English into Indonesian (Bahasa), come on and join us!

[How to Join]
1. Sign your name in the [Translator] column and fill in the [Application Date] column by opening the shared online form.
2. Download documents by clicking on the [DocumentTitle] column and translate them.No need to translate these images or screenshots.
3. Design the layout of your documents according to the attached template.
4. Send translated documents in DOCX format to jojo.luo@sangfor.com.
5. Please DO NOT USE GoogleTranslate, otherwise, the reward will be canceled.

[The Reward]
1. 500 coins for TOP5 participants who participated in this event firstly.
2. We have prepared some shopping vouchers rewards for your translation. If you don’t like the E-voucher, you can change it with another gift at the same price.
3. We will rank TOP 3 participants with the most translated docs and give away extra coins after the event is ended.
1000 coins for first ranking, 800 coins for second ranking, 500 coins for the third ranking participant.

4. Invite your friends to join you to get the referral coins rewards.
Invite 1 member, both of you will get 500 coins.
Invite 5 members, both of you will get 5000 coins.
Invite 10 members, both of you will get 10000 coins.



These documents are mostly in DOCX format and shared through SharePoint. You can click below to access them.  

Document Title
Rewards:  Alfamart Vouchers
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.39_Best Practices for Scenarios_NGAF  Correlate with Cloud Endpoint Secure to Anti Proxy ToolsRp  200,000 Faisal
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Activity Domain IWA SSORp  600,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Activity Domain ADSSORp  600,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Activity Domain Script SSORp  1,100,000 Dominic
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.35_Best Practices for  Configuration_Botnet PreventionRp  100,000 Faisal
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.35_Best Practices for  Configuration_Integrated Coorelation & Response with Endpoint SecureRp  100,000 Faisal
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_WAF  Function Test By OWASP ZAPRp  600,000 Dominic
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.26_Best Practices for Scenarios_Use  Endpoint Secure on NGAF to Prevent Network ThreatRp  200,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_NGAF  Correlate to Cyber Command GuideRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_Best Practices for Scenarios_Network Port  Disorder Adjustment MethodRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_NGAF  Access to Cyber Command GuideRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_NGAF  Correlate to Platform-X to Test Security Log PresentationRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Security Policy Availability CheckRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.35_Best Practices for  Configuration_Establish IPsecVPNRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.35_Best Practices for  Configuration_Establish SangforVPNRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Bandwidth ManagementRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Country  BlockingRp  100,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Add  Additional Detection Ports for IPS ModuleRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Botnet  PreventionRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Access  ControlRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Unknown  Threat Prevention By Engine Zero & Neural-XRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Integrated Coorelation & Response with Endpoint SecureRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_Dos  Attack PreventionRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.39_Best Practices for Scenarios_NGAF  Correlate with Endpoint Secure to Anti Proxy ToolsRp  150,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Establish IPsecVPNRp  200,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Establish SangforVPNRp  200,000 johnbada
NGAFSANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.17_Best Practices for Scenarios_WAF  Function Test By DVWARp  1,100,000 Faisal
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for  Scenarios_Bandwidth ManagementRp  100,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_Radius  SSORp  100,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_Audit  PolicyRp  150,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_Use IAM  as a Proxy Server to Access the InternetRp  150,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_Access  Control PolicyRp  200,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_Sync  Log to Report CenterRp  200,000 Dominic
IAMSANGFOR_IAM_v12.0.42_Best Practices for Scenarios_SSL  Content DecryptionRp  200,000 Dominic
HCISANGFOR_HCI_v5.8.6_VS_Heterogeneous_RequirementsRp  100,000 cuputraerwin
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Scenarios_How to  Correlate with IAM to Simply the OperationRp  200,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Scenarios_How to  Correlate with Endpoint Secure to Simply the OperRp  150,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Scenarios_How to  Correlate with NGAF to Simply the OperationRp  200,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Scenarios_How to use  Cyber Command to Manage AssetsRp  200,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Configuration_How to  Correlate with NGAF to Simply the OperationRp  100,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Configuration_How to  Correlate with IAM to Simply the OperationRp  100,000 Dominic
CCSANGFOR_CCOM_Best Practices for Configuration_How to  Correlate with Endpoint Secure to Simply the OperationRp  150,000 Dominic
ESSangfor Security Event Processing MethodRp  150,000 Ghostlying
ESSangfor_Endpoint Secure_Guide to Identify Infected FileRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Update Virus  Database in Public Network Isolation EnvironmentRp  100,000 Ghostlying
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_One Click Kill  the VirusRp  150,000 Ghostlying
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Endpoint Secure  Virus Detection Rate TestRp  150,000 Ghostlying
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Correlate NGAF  and Endpoint Secure for AntivirusRp  150,000 Ghostlying
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_General  Micro-Segmentation PolicyRp  150,000 Ghostlying
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Correlate with  IAM to Prevent Network ThreatRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Prevent Brute  Force Attack to Anti RansomwareRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Use Honeypot to  Anti RansomwareRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Endpoint Secure  Security Policy Implement Guide for HostRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Use Micro  Segmentation to Anti RansomwareRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
ESSANGFOR_ES_Best Practices for Scenarios_Endpoint Secure  Security Policy Implement Guide for ServerRp  200,000 cuputraerwin
VDISANGFOR_VDI_v5.4.5_Webpage Redirection Configuration  GuideRp  100,000 cuputraerwin
VDISANGFOR_VDI_v5.4.5_aDesk and PC Integration Configuration  GuideRp  150,000 cuputraerwin
VDISANGFOR_VDI_v5.4.2_Private Disks in Floating Pool VM  Configuration GuideRp  200,000 cuputraerwin
VDISANGFOR_VDI_v5.4.5_VDC Cluster Configuration GuideRp  200,000 cuputraerwin

------------------------------------------------------/ Coins Reward / ------------------------------------------------

TOP5 Participants
500 coins
500 coins
500 coins
500 coins
500 coins

Referral Rewards
Successful Referrals

Format Requirements for Cloud Products-v1.0.docx

1.84 MB, Downloads: 1175

Format Requirements for Security Products-v1.0.docx

1.91 MB, Downloads: 1159

rivsy Lv5Posted 2021-Oct-15 19:20
goodluck to all
Johnbada Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-16 13:08
goodluck all
Newbie259600 Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-22 12:46
thanks for sharing
Newbie259600 Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-22 12:47
thanks for sharing
Newbie259600 Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-22 12:48
thanks for sharing
Newbie259600 Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-26 11:34

thanks for sharing