Hide Navigation Bar

Newbie998431 Lv1Posted 2021-Sep-15 19:00


We are setting up a VDI test environment, everytinhg working fine, except for the Hide navigation bar on "Policy Set", simply not working.

The Navigation Bar fade away but when i move the mouse reappears.
that's the way it has to work?

I try to set watermarks in same policy and i'ts work

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Good day! Just to double confirm, May I know the associated user/VM are set under the policy set? If yes and it still not working you may email to our support tech.support@sangfor.com for help regrading this.
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Sangfor_Zheng Lv1Posted 2021-Sep-22 23:25
Good day! Just to double confirm, May I know the associated user/VM are set under the policy set? If yes and it still not working you may email to our support tech.support@sangfor.com for help regrading this.

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