[Ended] €500 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway | Join Us in Italian Document Translation to Show Your Talent!

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2021-Jun-15 10:45

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Dear members,

As we all know, the mother language is always the most suitable choice for local people. Technical documents in the local language are easier to be understood than English. That is why we provide the Multilingual Support Program. Now I am pleased to announce that ItalianDocuments Translation is coming now!
We offer three types of rewards for your participation. DO NOT miss this chance! 表情,兴奋,emjoy,激动.png

Gentile Partecipante,
Come tutti sappiamo l’utilizzo della lingua madre è la scelta preferitadalle persone del luogo. I documenti tecnici nella lingua nazionale sono di piùsemplice comprensione rispetto ai documenti in lingua inglese. Per questomotivo abbiamo deciso di creare un Programma di Supporto Multilingua.

Ci fa molto piacere annunciare oggi che la Traduzione dei Documenti inItaliano sta per arrivare! Offriamo tre tipi di premi per la tua partecipazione. NON perdere questaoccasione! 表情,兴奋,emjoy,激动.png


1. Rewards for Participation:
All participants who join in this document translation will have a chance to get Sangfor customized gifts such as a backpack, polo shirt, and thermos cup.

Note: New participants who join after October 27th can take the lucky draw. We will send you an email notification to you after this event ends.

2. Rewards for Document Translation:
Get 4000 coins if you translate 1 document.

Note: Coins can be exchanged with gifts in Sangfor Store.
Get a 100€ Amazon gift card if you translate more than 3 documents.
Get a 500€ Amazon gift card if you translate more than 10 documents.

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Kindly reminder:
If you have much time to join in this event, it is suggested to take several documents at one time. How much reward will be given which is based on the number of translated documents you submitted to us. Let's give an example:
If you submit 1 translated document at one time, 4000 coins will be given to you. If you submit 5 translated documents at one time, a 100€ Amazon gift card will be given to you.

3. Referral Rewards:
Get 20% of the rewards from the person you successfully invited.

For example, if your friend has got a 200€ Amazon gift card, then you can get a 40€ referral reward.

4. The Most Contribution Rewards:
We will rank TOP3 participants for the number of documents translated after the event ends. The remaining participants on the ranking board will get 100 coins.
800 coins for TOP1 participant, 500 coins for TOP2 participant, 400 coins for TOP3 participant

[Premi] Molto importante!!!

1. Premi per lapartecipazione:
Tutti i partecipanti che si sono uniti a questa traduzione deldocumento avranno la possibilità di disegnare Sang per regali personalizzaticome uno zaino, una polo e una tazza termica.

2. Premi per la traduzione di documenti:
Ottieni 4000 monete se traduci 1 documento. Le monete possono essere scambiate con regali nel negozioSangfor.”
Ricevi una carta regalo Amazon da 100€ setraduci [size=14.6667px]non meno di 3 documenti.”
Ricevi una carta regalo Amazon da 500€ setraduci non meno di 10 documenti.”

3. Premi di riferimento:
Ottieni il 20% dei premi dalla persona che hai invitato consuccesso.

Ad esempio, se il tuo amico hatradotto 8 documenti e ha ricevuto un buono regalo Amazon da 200 €, puoiottenere un premio di 40 € come ricompensa.


[How to Join]
1. Sign up for your name after opening the shared document.
2. Download the attached document template to complete the translation. Please mind that the template is different for security and cloud products.
3. Send the DOCX format of your translation to jojo.luo@sangfor.com.
4. Images are not required to be translated.
5. Google Translate is NOT ALLOWED, otherwise all the rewards will be canceled.

[Come iscriversi]
1. Registra il tuo nome dopo aver aperto il documento condiviso.
2. Scarica il documento base allegatonel quale potrai completare la traduzione. Fai attenzione in quanto I modellisono differenti per I prodotti security e cloud .
3. Invia il documento in formato DOCX dellatua traduzione a jojo.luo@sangfor.com.
4. Le immagini non devono essere tradotte.

----------------------------------------------/ Rewards Giveaway /-----------------------------------------
Congratulations to the following participants on getting rewards for their good translation. If you want to win more coins or gifts, come on and join with them. Let's compete for the champion. ha_d.gif

Rewards Obtained
92500 coins
8500 coins
5300 coins
1800 coins
€500 eGift Vouchers

SANGFOR_Security Product_Techsupport Doc Template_V1.1_20210701.docx

1.83 MB, Downloads: 1607

SANGFOR_Cloud Product_Techsupport Doc Template_V1.1_20210701.docx

3.21 MB, Downloads: 1612

ThomasC Lv1Posted 2021-Jun-17 19:21
Good morning, I wish to translate the following document:

- SANGFOR_NGAF_8.0.6_Web Application Protection  Troubleshooting


PS: How do I handle the images files?
ThomasC Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-02 19:36
Good morning, I wish to translate the following document:

Good morning, I wish to translate the following document:

- SANGFOR_VDI_v5.4.0_Access Sangfor VMP IPMI Guide


ThomasC Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-03 19:04
I wish to translate the followeing:

- SANGFOR_NGAF_v8.0.6_High  Availability deployed in route mode configuration guide

avonet Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-14 16:16
I want to translate

SANGFOR_HCI_v5.8.3_Creating Virtual Machine Guide document.

Newbie220640 Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-14 16:23
I want to translate         "SANGFOR_aCloud_5.8.6_Linux booting  issue troubleshooting".

Michele Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-14 17:09
I want to translate "SANGFOR_aCloud_v5.8.6_SAP B1  Migration_Best Practice"
tonycs Lv1Posted 2021-Jul-19 15:12
I want to translate !SANGFOR_aCloud_5.8.7R1_Sangfor Witness Node Installation Guide"
DanieleP Lv1Posted 2021-Aug-04 16:22
Good morning, I want to translate the following document:

aCloud System Disk Replacement Guides Version 6.0.0_EN

DanieleP Lv1Posted 2021-Aug-04 19:02

Good morning, I want to translate the following document:

- HCI Entering Safe Mode in Windows VM Version 5.8.3
