Sangfor VMP keeps showing CPU rate below the threshold

George Chiu Lv1Posted 2021-Mar-15 10:00

After installed the Sangfor VMP 5.4.5, it keeps showing the "CPU rate below the threshold. Please check the host cooling system or temperature in the room where the host is located or the BIOS setting." I had configured the Virtualization with Maximum Performance in the BIOS. Is there any settings can fix the problem?

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Hi George, if this is a new deployment. You may have to enable performance mode on the server first.
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Sangfor_Siva Posted 2021-Mar-16 11:40
Hi George, if this is a new deployment. You may have to enable performance mode on the server first.
George Chiu Lv1Posted 2021-Mar-17 14:07
Already enabled the high performance mode, but no luck. Asking support to help

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