Partner Certified Associate Online Training - August

WH Sim Lv1Posted 07 Aug 2020 23:23

Last edited by WH Sim 09 Aug 2020 18:22.

Training Procedure
Registration -> Team Invitation -> Online Training -> Certified Exam
Procedure Explanation
1. Complete the registration during the week 8 August - 21 August (Registration during other time is not valid)
2. SANGFOR will send the confirmation&reminder Email on 14 August and 21 August
3. SANGFOR will invite registered partners to teams group for the training
4. Partners can apply SANGFOR certified exam after the training
5. QR Code attendance will be shared via TEAMS (Online Technical Training Group).
* Please note that those who didn't sign for the attendance during the training will directly forfeit the attendance record and quiz performance review although registration has been made before the training.
Training Agenda:

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jetjetd Lv5Posted 08 Aug 2020 18:45
how to avail this one?
Faisal Lv8Posted 23 Jul 2021 15:17
Thank you very much for the information ...

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