"HTTPS Port: Specifies the HTTPS listening port. This is TCP 443 by default. Enter the port in the field (the port must be separated by commas) or click the Configure button".
What about the security of this port, is the user safe to use this port?

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Hi sir, may I know what is your requirement? Many websites use HTTPS (443 port) to provide secure connection with users. For more information, you may refer to online resources for information about HTTPS port.
Is this answer helpful?
Sangfor_Brando Lv5Posted 2020-Jul-30 11:04
Hi sir, may I know what is your requirement? Many websites use HTTPS (443 port) to provide secure connection with users. For more information, you may refer to online resources for information about HTTPS port.
Faisal Posted 2021-Oct-10 11:09
Thank you very much for the information ...
Newbie259600 Lv2Posted 2021-Oct-29 08:54

thanks for the information...

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