VDI Encryption 20

Park Bo Gart Lv2Posted 2020-Jul-28 13:33

How do we enforce data-in-transit and data-at-rest encryption in VDI?

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Sangfor_SY Lv1Posted 2020-Jul-29 09:21
Last edited by Sangfor_SY 29 Jul 2020 10:15.

Hi bro,

Can we know more detail about the encryption ?
which part of VDI are you refer to ?
Faisal Posted 2020-Sep-06 11:29
Most VDI platforms provide encryption while files are in transit and storage. This guarantees that your files are always secure even if a hacker intercepts them during transfer. VDI encryption technology also ensures you are protected even if an employee in your organization chooses to use an unsecured WiFi.

Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Jun-20 12:58
Data in transit, or data in motion, is data actively moving from one location to another such as across the internet or through a private network. Data protection in transit is the protection of this data while it’s traveling from network to network or being transferred from a local storage device to a cloud storage device – wherever data is moving, effective data protection measures for in transit data are critical as data is often considered less secure while in motion.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-20 14:50
-Secure Access: Multiple authentication methods can be freely combined to meet the security access requirements of different levels of users (regular employees, leaders, etc.).
-Total Security: Provide end-to-end security mechanisms to ensure overall security of desktop cloud platform.
-Audit: All document export & screenshots can be audited.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-20 17:15
Most VDI platforms provide encryption while files are in transit and storage (means data at rest).
Pat Lv4Posted 2022-Jun-21 21:15
You can encrypt an existing VDI by changing its storage policy
regidorreyes Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-24 08:09
You can both configure both policy, so you have protection on transit and at rest
rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-24 15:34
Unprotected data, whether in transit or at rest, leaves enterprises vulnerable to attack, but there are effective security measures that offer robust data protection across endpoints and networks to protect data in both states. As mentioned above, one of the most effective data protection methods for both data in transit and data at rest is data encryption.

In addition to encryption, best practices for robust data protection for data in transit and data at rest include:

Implement robust network security controls to help protect data in transit. Network security solutions like firewalls and network access control will help secure the networks used to transmit data against malware attacks or intrusions.

Don’t rely on reactive security to protect your valuable company data. Instead, use proactive security measures that identify at-risk data and implement effective data protection for data in transit and at rest.
Choose data protection solutions with policies that enable user prompting, blocking, or automatic encryption for sensitive data in transit, such as when files are attached to an email message or moved to cloud storage, removable drives, or transferred elsewhere.

Create policies for systematically categorizing and classifying all company data, no matter where it resides, in order to ensure that the appropriate data protection measures are applied while data remains at rest and triggered when data classified as at-risk is accessed, used, or transferred.

Finally, if you utilize a public, private, or hybrid cloud provider for storing data or applications, carefully evaluate cloud vendors based on the security measures they offer – but don’t rely on the cloud service to secure your data. Who has access to your data, how is it encrypted, and how often your data is backed up are all imperative questions to ask.

While data in transit and data at rest may have slightly different risk profiles, the inherent risk hinges primarily on the sensitivity and value of your data; attackers will attempt to gain access to valuable data whether it’s in motion, at rest, or actively in use, depending on which state is easiest to breach. That’s why a proactive approach including classifying and categorizing data coupled with content, user, and context-aware security protocols is the safest and most effective way to protect your most sensitive data in every state.
Noman Rajput Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-24 18:57
By modifying its storage policy you can enable encryption on existing VDI.

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