Congratulations to the Invitation Event Winners!

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2020-Jul-01 16:58

Last edited by Sangfor Elsa 01 Jul 2020 16:59.


Dear community members,

Last month, we had held a New Member Invitation Event as well as a Lucky Draw event to asking our community members help us spreading our community to more Sangfor product users and people who is interested in Sangfor products.

To make this event more fun, we launched the Lucky Draw game with coins and top up rewards, many of you have joined the game and won the prizes.

For the members who has made his/her efforts to inviting Sangfor product users join us, we also have provided attractive gifts for them!

So as the event is successfully ended, we have the top 3 winners!

Dominic Hendro  invited 42 members
Khanh Hung   invited 4 members
Osama Muhammad invited 1 member

Thank you very much! and Congratulations to Dominic Hendro who has won the first place and invited 42 VIP members, therefore won a 100$ equalent gift that can be choosen by himself!

Lucky Draw Winners

In the everyday Lucky Draw game, the coin gifts are granted automatically, and for the top up gifts, the phone numbers are needed.

For the following members who has won the top up in the Lucky Draw, we will contact you later via email for the phone number you prefer for the top up.


We appreciate your passion and efforts in our event!
We hope to see more members joining us in our future events, Let's win more coins and gifts together!

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Osama Muhammad Lv3Posted 2020-Jul-01 17:15
I am third winner, so what prize I will get?
Aepudin Lv4Posted 2020-Jul-01 17:53
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2020-Jul-01 18:32
congratulation all , specially for dominic hendro
sOOOn777 Lv3Posted 2020-Jul-02 10:27