[New Event] Tell us what is your favorite support channel

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2020-Jun-12 17:13


Dear members,

As Sangfor is dedicated to provide fast, convenient and professional support service to our valued partners and customers, in the past two years, we have explored many new support channels to better meet the committment, for example, Live Chat, the online case system, online forum, local support, etc.

After two years of practice, we would love to know what we had done in your eyes and what is your favorite support channel that you find is most convenient and suitable for you and uses most in your daily working life.

Each participant will receive 100 coins for your feedback!

So, what is your favorite support channel you use most in your work?

Multiple Poll: ( Max Options: 3 ), 137 voters in all

The poll has been closed.

12.08% (43)
2.25% (8)
11.52% (41)
20.79% (74)
31.18% (111)
21.35% (76)
0.56% (2)
0.28% (1)
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By solving this question, you may help 411 user(s).

Posting a reply earns you 2 coins. An accepted reply earns you 20 coins and another 10 coins for replying within 10 minutes. (Expired) What is Coin?

Enter your mobile phone number and company name for better service. Go

sOOOn777 Lv3Posted 2020-Jun-13 13:18
Vote me
1.  Email: tech.support@sangfor.com
4.  Open a Support Case on Community
5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email
dwie Lv2Posted 2020-Jun-14 00:23
3.  Live Chat
4.  Open a Support Case on Community
5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email
arion Lv1Posted 2020-Jun-14 01:16
3.  Live Chat
4.  Open a Support Case on Community
5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email
syahreza Lv2Posted 2020-Jun-14 10:33
4.  Open a Support Case on Community
5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email
6.  Community Forum       
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2020-Jun-15 10:55
i was fill a pool
Wilson Lv2Posted 2020-Jun-15 16:20
2.  Phone call: 60 127117511 (7129)
3.  Live Chat
5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email11 (7129)
Surbakti Lv4Posted 2020-Jun-15 16:21
Yanto Peong Lv3Posted 2020-Jun-15 16:22
4.  Open a Support Case on Community       
        5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email       
        6.  Community Forum
amad Lv3Posted 2020-Jun-15 16:23
        3.  Live Chat       
        5.  Talk to local FAE via Whatsapp or email       
        6.  Community Forum

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