aDesk vdi client cannot login.

I can login via first create account but cannot login via new created account.
aDesk client show invalid username / password but i double checked it's correct.

I am testing without license. Any trick?

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attached. Seem it VPC take time update record but VPC hardware configuration cannot change.
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Siva Posted 2020-Jun-08 19:29
strange.. can show more screen shots?
Penpen Lv1Posted 2020-Jun-09 12:06
attached. Seem it VPC take time update record but VPC hardware configuration cannot change.
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Penpen Lv1Posted 2020-Jun-09 16:34
I restart VPC fix the issue. I guess VPC cannot upgrade the information at once.
Faisal Posted 2020-Aug-28 20:42
Use legal one
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Jun-20 12:59
Try with correct credintals.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-20 14:51
There are some synchronization issue I think that is why it will take time to update the newly created user.
jsix Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-20 15:45
Maybe it is because of a license issue that the update for a newly created account cannot sync or update in real time. Also, you can try to restart the aDesk.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-20 17:21
Clear your cache memory & try again.
regidorreyes Lv5Posted 2022-Jun-21 09:08
Check the following:
1. License issue
2. Sycn issue
3. Wrong credentials

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