Round 7 - Crossword Puzzle Game

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2020-Jan-15 11:58


Hello members,

Welcome to the Round 7 - Crossword Puzzle game!

Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Duration] Jan. 16 - Jan. 22

[Event Rewards] 100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!

update-01.png Feb. 07

Puzzle board.
Puzzle Answers.

1. it is often used to describe the main network connections that comprise the Internet or other major network. - Backbone

2. A certain amount of RAM is allocated as temporary holding area so that CPU can manipulate data before transferring it to a device. - Buffer

3. it is the ability of a program or device to imitate others. - Emulation

4. it is a place on the computer that saves files. - Folder

5. it is used to describe the world of computers. - Cyberspace

It seems like this round of puzzles is a little bit harder than previous ones. So next round, there will be some little help for cracking down the right word!
Do not miss out!

krcabaloza Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-15 14:07
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Rickysut Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-15 20:58
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rjforti5 Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-16 09:33
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Johnuy Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-17 07:31
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amdhan Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-17 11:49
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Parwita Lv1Posted 2020-Jan-17 11:58
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Parwita Lv1Posted 2020-Jan-17 12:03
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