Round 6 - Crossword Puzzle Game

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2020-Jan-04 11:18


Hello members,

Welcome to the Round 6 - Crossword Puzzle game!

Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Duration] Jan. 6 - Jan. 12

[Event Rewards] 100 coins for each correct word answer! 1000 coins in total if all 10 words are answered correctly!


The puzzle board.
The answer board.

1. It is a way to start a Windows computer for diagnosing problems. - Safe Mode
2. It is a device allows wireless computers and other devices to communicate with a wired network. - Access Point
3. It refers to the ability of a portable wireless device to remain connected to the home network. - Roaming
4. It is a program or computer that connects to and requests information from a server. - Client
5. The symbol indicates where you are typing. - Cursor
6. It is a technique used to prevent junk emails or messages. - Anti Spam
7. It used to describe when an email is returned to the sender as undeliverable. - Bounce
8. It is the way that data is managed so that only the authorized user can access it. - Encryption
9. It refers to real-time communication between two or more users. - Chat
10. It is a type of cyber-attack where the data is held hostage and the attacker demands something to release it. - Ransomware

Write your answers in this thread!

MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 02:24
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Johnuy Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 08:58
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marlissn Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 09:47
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Bakhtiar Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-06 10:05
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rjforti5 Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 10:08
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krcabaloza Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 10:08
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Sangfor_jianhow Lv2Posted 2020-Jan-06 11:27
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yakubi Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-07 14:11
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ITD_Mitch Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-07 14:11
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