Round 3 - NGAF Crossword Puzzle Game

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Dec-07 11:24

Last edited by Sangfor Elsa 16 Dec 2019 17:35.

Dear members,

Welcome to the Round 3 - NGAF Crossword Puzzle game!

Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Duration] Dec. 8- Dec. 14

[Event Rewards] 100 coins for each correct word answer! 1000 coins in total if all 10 words are answered correctly!

---------------------------------- Update on Dec. 16 ----------------------------------

The puzzle board.

The puzzle answers.


1. it is the process of determining what types of activities are permitted. - authorization
2. it is a form of attack in which malicious code is embedded in innocuous-appearing data which is executed by a user or other software to implement an attack. - data driven attack
3. A software agent that acts on behalf of a user. - proxy
4. It is a replicating code segment that attaches itself to a program or data. - virus
5. it is originally from a famous Greek story and now refers to a malicious attack program. - trojan horse
6. it is a period of time for audit logs retained and maintained. - log retention
7. It is an attachment used for security purposes, often used to verify the identity of a user who is sending message. - certificate
8. it is a system that supervises suspicious activity or policy breaching of the network traffic. - intrusion detection
9. it is the process of determining the identity of a user or device that is attempting to access a system. - authentication
10. it is a security attack of the domain name and redirects the online traffic of the original domain to a fraudulent website. - DNS Spoofing

Reply your answer with the format:

1: xxx
2: xxx
3: xxx
4: xxx
5: xxx

Your reply is only visible to the moderator.

Come join us and win the coins now!

Siva Posted 2019-Dec-08 21:24
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Sangfor_Brando Lv5Posted 2019-Dec-09 10:39
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GodLike Posted 2019-Dec-09 10:42
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krcabaloza Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-09 11:29
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LamWeiSiang Lv1Posted 2019-Dec-10 08:13
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Newbie1212 Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-10 09:10
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CTI Jimy Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-10 09:20
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God Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-10 09:21
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Newbie280530 Lv3Posted 2019-Dec-10 09:35
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