Long Term Event - Who is the Problem Solver?

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Oct-10 11:46

Last edited by Sangfor Elsa 10 Oct 2019 11:49.

回复疑问帖活动-长期活动 新规则.png

Dear members,

Welcome to October and from this month on, we will do something different about the Who is the Problem Solver? event. We will change the weekly event into a LONG TERM EVENT!

Of course, as the event duration is changed, the rules and rewards will be updated as well!


1. Creating a post will be rewarded for 20 coins.
2. Each authentic helpful reply to the Question topic will be rewarded for 20 coins automatically! If the replies are meaningless and not helpful to solve the question, the coins will be reclaimed.
3. An author accepted answer will be rewarded for extra 500 coins, but please keep in mind, the answer will be reviewed by Sangfor experts and if the accepted answer is actually not correct or not helpful, the reward will be reclaimed.
4. The author accepts an correct and helpful will be rewarded for 100 coins.
5. A moderator accepted answer will be rewarded for extra 300 coins.

[How to Participate]

Answer the unsolved Questions topics


We are dedicated to building Sangfor Community as an active, innovative, professional and helpful forum. Therefore, please keep in mind, all the topics and replies you posted should be helpful. Meaningless posts and replies will be deleted, the coins will be reclaimed, and if one has posted more than 3 meaningless contents, a punishment will be conducted! The punishment will include but not limited to Coin Fines, No access to Redeem Gift, Delete Accounts, etc.

For posting meaningless content less the 3 times, the content will be deleted and the coins will be reclaimed.
For more than 3 times, the content will be deleted, the coins will be reclaimed, and a 1000 coin fine will be conducted. Double or even triple fines will be posed if recommit.

Let's get the new event started and express your wisdom!
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2019-Oct-10 14:36
thanks for information
MuhammadFardeen Lv2Posted 2019-Oct-12 01:00
wow that great
Dominic Hendro Lv4Posted 2019-Oct-18 18:18
Thank you very much for the information provided