Win 10 home cant used VPN easyconnect?

Newbie773728 Lv1Posted 2019-Sep-25 15:30

Last edited by Newbie773728 27 Sep 2019 17:16.

i used easyconnect and use Internet explorer in win 10 build 1809 PRO working fine
i used another laptop do the same
the difference is i use win 10 build 1903 Home SL nor running well

i think u cant used sangfor easyconnect if u have HOME version of windows

can it really not be used if you use the home version??
anybody to help??

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Case closed

Summary Report:
As per checking found there were some files damage relate to ssl vpn had been damage. I had replace those file then can success access the ssl vpn.
Is this answer helpful?
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2019-Oct-08 19:43
for what you are using easycnnect ?
Newbie773728 Lv1Posted 2019-Oct-09 17:34
Case closed

Summary Report:
As per checking found there were some files damage relate to ssl vpn had been damage. I had replace those file then can success access the ssl vpn.
Shared by Author
Newbie945524 Lv1Posted 2020-Nov-25 16:06
thanks for sharing
Ellechar Lv4Posted 2021-Jan-08 10:48
Very Nice Information
sekyu Lv2Posted 2021-Jan-26 13:54
I am using win10 Home and no issue in installing and connecting easyconnect vpn
Muhammad Furqan Lv2Posted 2021-Mar-05 14:51
I am also using on win 10 and working fine. actually it also depends on Sangfor firewall version . i have2 different version and latest version is working on win 10 but the oldest one is working on internet explorer only web based  only.

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